Condominium Lookup

Individual, privately-held units that share a building or lot in common ownership.

Property IDAddressOwner NameOwner Address
15 29 30 47310 000 0030 2450 GULF BLVD # 3A BUTLER, ANNE R 1911 W RICHARDSON PL
TAMPA, FL 33606
15 29 30 47310 000 0031 2450 GULF BLVD # 3B ROBERTS, LOUISE EDWARDS 4425 W AZEELE ST APT E
TAMPA, FL 33609
15 29 30 47310 000 0032 2450 GULF BLVD # 3C ROBBINS, R JAMES JR PO BOX 2231
TAMPA, FL 33601
15 29 30 47310 000 0033 2450 GULF BLVD # 3D JONES, MONTE 543 RIVIERA DR
TAMPA, FL 33606

Disclaimer: While attempts to identify all related condominium properties, this list may not reflect the entirety of a development.